कृतज्ञता भित्ता

मानौं मलाई मेरो क्षेत्रीय पुस्तकालय मनपराउनु मलाई अर्को कारण चाहिन्छ। सत्य बाहिर, तपाईं जान्नुहुन्छ, तपाईं exploks0 पुस्तकहरू एक झर्दै को निरीक्षण गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ – जुन मलाई पागलपन हो! – तिनीहरूसँग एक कृतघ्न भित्ता छ, जस्तै, यसको र पेन्सिलहरू, र तपाईं आफूले कृतज्ञ हुनुहुन्छ र पर्खालमा पप अप गर्नुभयो। अवश्य पनि म हुँ भन्ने सूचीबद्ध मायालु मेकअप उत्साह भएकोले मैले मेरो आफ्नै विशेष फ्लाभा पनि जोड्नु पर्यो र लताल गर्न को लागी, नमस्कार।

किनभने म सबै चीजहरूको लागि म कृतज्ञ छु – सामान्य: मेरो टाउको, मेरो टाउकोमा छत, एक स्टाइलेशिप ट्याबबी बिरालोले मेरो जीवन हालसालै बचत गरिरहेको छ।


म राती टसिंग गर्दैछु र फर्कदै छु। यो साचो हो! कारणको अंश, यद्यपि यो मेरो आफ्नै गल्ती हो, यो हो कि म ढिला पढ्न ढिला गर्दै छु।

होइन किनभने मैले एकपटक 500 पुस्तकहरू जाँच गरें, होईन, तर मैले कोको समुद्र तटबारे निरीक्षण गरें, जसलाई बीउरेज विलियमहरू द्वारा भनिन्छ (उनी एक सयौं ग्रामीणकर्मीहरू, ट्रिकमा छन्। बैजनी अनुदान र असीमित समुद्रको साथ जीवन)। अवश्य पनि, सामान्य रूपमा, मैले मेरो सुत्ने निद्राको दिन यो विधि पढ्न थालें र यसलाई तल राख्न सकिनँ।

म पुस्तकहरूको लागि सधैं कृतज्ञ छु। र सूचीका लागि। र म पुस्तकालयमा कृतज्ञता पर्खाल जस्ता चीजहरूको लागि कृतज्ञ छु।

आज तपाई केको लागि कृतज्ञ हुनुहुन्छ?


तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय अपील दुर्व्यसन,


पी। एस Tgif !!!!

Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 582

have a colorful Monday!

त्यसो भए … सोमबार चुप लाग्नु भनेको के हो?

उत्कृष्ट प्रश्न! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. यो केवल पाँच अधिक वा कम अनियमित प्रश्नहरूको सूची हो जुन मैले विगतको क्वाड्रिलियन वर्षहरूको लागि प्रत्येक सोमबार बिहान पोस्ट गर्दैछु (200 2007 देखि)। मलाई तपाईंको उत्तरहरू पढ्न मन पर्छ, र यसले मलाई मेरो हप्तालाई राम्रो सुरुमा लिन मद्दत गर्दछ।

1. Something you collect?

In addition to my growing collection of rocks and shells from various locales, I also collect refrigerator magnets from places I’ve been, or places my pals and family have been. They’re all over my fridge (obvi), holding up receipts, grocery lists, recipes, old pictures, and the gift cards I need to use up, already.

In the pro column for magnets is that they’re souvenirs you can actually use, ya know? Plus, they don’t take too much room in your suitcase, and they aren’t usually too expensive.

2. have you ever played soccer?

Not really, but I wish I had. We played a few weeks in middle school PE, and I remember *not* totally hating it, because we got to run around a lot, and I was ok with running.

3. Matte, demi-matte or dewy?

Demi-matte today!

4. Lemon or lime?

Lemon, because they’re easier to squeeze, and I can get more juice outta them. Plus, lemon bars, lemon pasta sauce, lemon cookies… Yum! नि?

5. terrific skin starts with [FILL IN THE BLANK].

Honestly…genetics. most of the people who wake up with flawless skin got dealt a terrific hand, but but drinking lots of water, going to bed early, and wearing sunscreen definitely do help IMO. visiting a dermatologist can help, too. It was through a derm that I found out about Accutane, which was the only thing that helped the cystic acne I had when I was 19.

Saucy magnets

Whoever made these magnets totally gets me, ha ha ha!

Spotted them at a tchotchke store in Sausalito when El Hub, coywolf and I went to dinner last weekend for our wedding anniversary… Thirteen years! and we were together for five years before that.

It’s a miracle I haven’t killed that man in his sleep (yet)…


The place we ate, Copita, was pretty good. I ordered the fish tacos and a cherry margarita. only thing is…the tacos were teeny, tiny, so I was still hungry when I left the restaurant.

On the bright side, though, it left plenty of room for a big scoop of three twins Salted Caramel ice cream in a sugar cone. नि?

*Always* a sugar cone!


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

Which leads me to an unexpected reward question: sugar cone, cake cone, waffle cone or cup?

तपाईंको मैत्रीपूर्ण छिमेकी सौन्दर्य लत,



पी। एस प्रश्न समय! यहाँ तिनीहरू एक टिप्पणीमा तपाईंको उत्तरहरूको साथ प्रतिलिपि / टाँस्छन्। चांडै कुरा गरुँला।

1. Something you collect?
2. have you ever played soccer?
3. Matte, demi-matte or dewy?
4. Lemon or lime?
5. terrific skin starts with [FILL IN THE BLANK].

P.p.s. एक अद्भुत हप्ता छ। नि?

The big Chop

You know how when you get a new haircut, it takes a while for it to “settle in”? (I make it sound like moving into a new neighborhood or starting a new job, hahaha.)

But you know how there’s typically that period best after a new cut when you and the new hair are getting to know each other better on your way to eventually figuring each other out?


Well, mine’s finally settled in, and I love it.

It feels so terrific having hair graze my shoulders again and not feel like it’s just in the way. It’s also really good to have an actual style again, too. I finally feel like my hair isn’t in transition to something or somewhere in the between stages. It’s like, finally! — I’ve made it to point B.

Captain apparent suggestion #1 to Smiling in Pics: just think of something funny. works like a charm.
The style is called a long bob, or a “lob” for short. There’s a little bit of layering, but not a whole lot, and that’s on purpose. I have a small wave on the top layers, and I know from having many, numerous awful haircuts that if there are too numerous layers when my hair is take on length or shorter, I end up with an unintentional mullet.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

Side note: If you’re gonna rock a mullet, best be damn sure it’s intentional; otherwise, you’re in for a world of hurt. I’M just SAYING.

If you have wavy, textured or curly hair and you’re thinking about chopping off a significant amount, I think it helps to consider these few things…

1. Squirrel away 4-6 inspirational photos (not just one!)

First, before you do the deed, it helps to collect a few style inspo pics on your phone or broken from magazines.

I repeat: not just one. I think the sweet spot is between 4-6 pics, all on different people, and all with a similar vibe.

Why so specific, K-Dawg?

Because this way both you and the stylist can much more easily identify what it is exactly about the style that you like.

I think it’s also essential to remember that if you’re giving a stylist examples of someone else’s work, they’re going to interpret the haircut in their own way. Hair stylists are artists, after all, and each person will put their own stamp and special sauce on the cut.

These are the pics I brought to my appointment. They’re all by Sal Salcedo, a stylist in southern California I found on Instagram.

2. Jot down everything you know (and want your stylist to know) about your hair

Unfortunately, this is a lesson I learned the hard way over the course of numerous awful haircuts!

So…your stylist can’t read your mind.


And just because you give them a few pics doesn’t imply that’s what you’ll end up with. In my experience, the much more information I give a stylist about my hair and how it behaves, the better off I’ll be in the end.

You can bring a Post-It, or type everything into the notes app on your phone.

Here’s the list I took to my appointment…

Straight on the inner layers, small wave on the mid and outer layers

Right side has a tighter wave pattern than left

Like to air dry overnight, rarely use a hair dryer, but will use a curling iron 4-5 times a week to add waves/texture

Prefer causal, “cool girl” style, not too overly done

Cowlicks/unruly baby hairs in front

“Ramen noodle” gray hairs on top

Left side has ends flip out, best side has ends that flip in

Important: need to have it long enough to put up in a ponytail for working out

I wash my hair hair every day, conditioner wash every other day (non-negotiable at the moment)

3. Peep their Instagram page

Many hairstylists showcase their work on Instagram now. I found the stylist who did this cut, Maya Lowe, using a hashtag search of #marinhairstylist. I scrolled through her page and liked that she shows lots of clients with wavy and curly hair, and shows different lengths and different styles.

Maya also messages selfies and has natural gray hair, and I got the sense that she’d understand the challenges I’m having with growing out my gray.

And, LOL, some people will laugh, but I also liked that she has pics of her two cats in her feed. I felt that she would “get me” in that way, too.

4. Ask if they do dry cuts

A dry cut is when the stylist doesn’t wet your hair before cutting. They cut your hair when it’s clean and air dried.

In my experience, it’s THE most significant indicator of whether a stylist really understands how to cut wavy, curly or textured hair.

You see, when you have wavy, textured or otherwise “not stick straight” hair, the curl pattern is apparent when your hair is clean and air dry, and so when a stylist cuts it while it’s in that state, they can see your natural hair pattern better and maximize what you’ve got.

Just IMO, at least.

5. Ask if they offer adjustments

How a stylist does your hair in the beauty salon will always differ from how you do it at home with your own products and styling tools, so ask if tअरेको समायोजनहरू केलातहरू गर्थे पछि तपाईले सौन्दर्य सलुन छोड्नुहोस् र केही दिनको लागि आफ्नो कपालसँग बस्नुहोस्। मलाई यो मनपर्यो जब स्टाइलिस्टहरूले यो काम गर्छन् किनकि तपाईंलाई कहिले थाहा हुँदैन किनकि यो कहिले थाहा हुन्छ तपाईको कपालले एक पटक कहिले थाहा पाउँदछन्, यसको आफ्नै हातमा छ? अनिवार्य रूपमा, मेरो सँधै एक विवेकी टुक्रा (वा दुई वा तीन वा तीन) हुनेछ।

साथै, सोध्नुहोस् कि यदि उनीहरूले यसको लागि शुल्क चार्ज गरे किनकि केहि स्टाइलिस्टहरूले पूर्ण नि: शुल्क समायोजन प्रस्ताव गर्दछ।

क्याप्टेन देखिएका सुझावहरू # 2 फोटोहरूमा हाँस्न: आइसक्रीमको बारेमा सोच्नुहोस्। (म बानकिन-लुटिनहरूको बारेमा सोच्दै छु र क्रीम।)


सबैमा सबैमा, म वास्तवमै मेरो काटेर खुसी छु। मलाई ठूलो परिवर्तन चाहिएको छ, र ठूलो परिवर्तन मैले पाएको हो!

तपाईंको मैत्री छिमेकी आकर्षण लॉकेट,


नाताहरू खसेको 201 2018 संग्रह! (पहिलो हेर्नुहोस् र suptach)

नयाँ नर्सहरू खसाल 201 2018 संग्रह
तपाईंहरू, मँ जुत्ता लगाउँछु, र म हुँ, मँ त्यहाँ कुनै लज्जित थिएँ।

कुनै पनि मनपर्दैन।


सायद फ्रान्सेइस मान्दै छ कि तपाईको गाला स्वाभाविक रूपमा फ्लश हुन्छ जब तपाइँ h घातक पापी अहिल्यै प्यालेटमा लुक्नुहुन्छ (र हुनसक्छ प्रतिबद्ध)?

ओठ प्यालेटको साथसाथै, आँखा र गाला प्यालेट, र एक नयाँ पेन्सिलको एक नयाँ लाइन पनि छन्, त्यसैले निश्चित रूपमा smne को एक नयाँ लाइन छ, निश्चित रूपमा।

अझै … यो मेरो लागि एक नयाँ नेवल ब्लश बिना गिरावट कल्पना गर्न गाह्रो छ।


अनुमान गर्नुहोस् कि मैले भर्खर मेरो प्रेममा मेरो प्रेमलाई लामो समय सम्म गहिरो घाँटी जारी राख्नुपर्दछ।

नाताहरू खस 201g स collection ्कलन अहिले उपलब्ध छ र समावेश छ …

H घातक पापी अहिल्यै लिपस्टिक प्यालेट, $ $ 2

आणविक गोरा आँखा र गाला प्यालेट, $ 59

सिंगापुर र मोजिभमा म्यूड नहेड्स, $$ प्रत्येक

क्यालिमिरा, गामा, मोम्बा, कोमो, लाभा, लाभा र अटाखामा, प्रत्येक

D घातक पाप
G घातक पापहरू प्यालेट: गर्व, अनाज्ञाकाे, मूर्तिपूजा, मूर्तिपूजा, लोभ, क्रोध, क्रोध र सुस्त

Hohahawhes प्यालेटहरू: सिंगापुर र मोजोभ
ब्राउटरहरू ब्राउजर: गोमा, Caksar, Maksar, मोटा, कोमो, atacaa र लाभा (चित्र)
म सिंगापुर प्यालेट लगाएको छु, worther मध्ये दुई पापहरू लिपस्टिकहरू सँगै मिसाइन्छ (मूर्खता र अनाज्ञाकारिता), र कोमोमा ब्राउटर
आज्ञा उलंलघन
आफ्नो कामकुरा



तपाईंको मैत्री छिमेकी अपील अडिड,


राम्रो केटीहरू र भयानक श्रृंगार

जब राम्रो केटीहरू खराब केटीहरू हुन्छन्
जब राम्रा केटीहरूमा तीन महिलाले उनीहरूको स्थानीय राम्रो र विवेकी छुट कचौरा कक्षलाई लुट्न सक्दैनन्; अपहरण अपहरण भयो, engenged …………………………… कि फराकिलो रूखको घरमा आक्रमणकारी हुनेछन्। वा लंडरिंग लोकप्रिय पैसा, मलाई शंका लाग्छ कि उनीहरूले बजेट ब्लगहरू पढिरहेका छन्, तपाईंलाई ब्यूँझनुहोस्, तपाईं एआईएसईसलाई कोषामा टाँसिरहेको छ।



किनभने तिनीहरूको मेकअप जहिले पनि बिन्दुमा हुन्छ! कसलाई अपराधको जीवनमा खस्ने वर्बन्दीको आमाहरू थाहा थियो, shimmethy जैतुन ढकनीबाट तान्न सक्छ?!

मैले भर्खर यो गाढा कम्मरमा नेटफ्लिक्समा हेरिरहेको थिएँ (मौसम एक अब उपलब्ध छ) र राम्ररी कहानी लाइनहरू र अनुहारको रंगको मजा लिदै छु।

जसले मेकअप गर्दैछ (इच्छाले मलाई यो थाहा थियो) को लागी तीन प्रमुख महिलाहरु को लागी उज्यालो रातो लिपस्टिक, पंजा धातु कुहिल र निर्दोष चमक, यो नाटकीय छ, तर अझै पूर्ण रूपमा वेवास्ता योग्य, त्यसैले कुनै शामिल इन्स्टाग्राम ब्राउजहरू जसले स false ्घन अपराध प्रतिबद्ध गरेको छ।


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

यद्यपि शोअप मेरो शोको मेरो मनपर्ने अंशहरू मध्ये एक हो, पात्रहरू र उनीहरूको त्रुटिहरू धेरै रोचक छन्।

आधार? तीन उपनगरीय आमा / bfs डरलाग्दो आर्थिक अवस्थामाथि, र यसरी अपराधको जीवनतर्फ दब्नुहोस् तिनीहरूका परिवारहरू खाइनन्।

बेथ, क्रिस्टिना हेन्ड्रिकहरू खेले, गृहिणी हुन् जसको जीवनसाथी एक चक्कर र खराब वित्तीय निर्णयहरूको श्रृंखला पछि उनीहरूको सबै पैसा हराउँछ। उनको दिदी, एनी, माई व्हिटम्यान द्वारा खेलेको छ (उनको पैतृक छोरीलाई सम्झन्छ?), उनको छोरीलाई हिरास लगाउन विचलित भएको अपरिपक्व आमा। कमेनिस र अभिनेत्री रिटाटाले रूबीलाई खेल्छ, उनीहरूको आजीवन पाल र परिवारको अनौपचारिक सदस्य, दुई बच्चाहरु (एक गम्भीर बिरामी) को साथ छ।

उनीहरूको अपराध र अफ-थे-अफ-पुस्तकहरू क्रियाकलापहरूले उनीहरूलाई वित्तीय स्वतन्त्रता प्राप्त गर्दा तिनीहरूप्रति आशावादी महसुस गर्छन्, तर यो तपाईं पनि छ! हिंड! ” TV ठूला क्षणहरूमा।


यो ती मध्ये एक सजिलो, रमाईलो कार्यक्रमहरू मध्ये एक हो जुन तपाईं ओछ्यान भन्दा पहिले घुमाउन सक्नुहुन्छ। मलाई मनपर्यो कि म यसलाई पछ्याउन सक्छु तर धेरै तनावग्रस्त महसुस गर्दिन … मिडसेमर हत्याले पञ्जालाई भेट्छन्। ??

तपाईंको मैत्रीपूर्ण छिमेकी सौन्दर्य लत,


पूर्ण, अस्थिर ब्राउजहरू केवल केहि थोरै चीजहरू छन्

“###)” ब्याककको साथ “###) वा कपालको रंगको साथ मेरो द्रुत चाइल्ड छ, प्रशस्त, यद्यपि पनि धेरै राम्रोसँग परिभाषित ब्राउजहरू।

चालकलाई शुभकामना जसले घण्टाको ट्यूबलाई तातो ब्रुनेटको मेरो टेललाई तातो ब्रुट निकास गर्न कोशिस गर्दछ मेरो टी। रेक्स पंक्तिमा बलात्कार! म केवल 5”1 “हुँ, यद्यपि यस महिलालाई यो जेल हो र यस जेलका भावनाहरू पनि छन् (सबै महान व्यक्तिहरू, ‘किनभने यो वास्तवमै उत्तम छ IMO उपलब्ध छ)।


पूर्ण मेकअप ब्रेकडाउन

आँखा – म्याक युवा आँखा छाया (क्रीज), म्याक गोल्डरमेन आँखा छाया (वर्ल्डस्टरको साथ), म्याकफेलिटन डिमफाइट म्याकफेलिटेल डबल टीममा म्याक Gonzo (पानी रेखाका साथै लेश रेखाको रूपमा रंगको मस्दारा)

अनुहार – नर्स घुम्ने स्पाइज छालाको टिन्ट एसओएड सम्झौताको साथ मिश्रित मिश्रित रन र बेसी ब्यालेट प्रिन्डेनिन प्राकृतिकको साथ को साथ

गाल – घटागलाल न्यूजल न्यूड ब्लश पंचात ब्लशले बन्नको साथ बफेज बफेक्टलाई नदेखाली

ओठहरू – महानगरपालिटिटन क्षय क्षय नगद लिपस्टिक ना naked ्गो मा


तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय आकर्षण अडिग,


पी। एस Tgif!

मेकअप पेन्सिल शार्प्रदायको दु: ख …

मेरो स्वामित्वमा प्रत्येक सभ्य मेकअप ब्यागमा “नमस्कार” भन्दै, मेरो हालको आमा पर्बले, जो एक पटक समय, घर भएको छ वटा pristine lipstic ट्युबहरू र एक दम इनडार इन।

* तरंग हाई *?


यस मेकअप पेन्सिल शार्पेड विस्फोट भयो, र मेरो मतलब – सबै लिप्चर र त्यो भित्री पकेट – र अन्य सबै चीजहरूको साथ स्मरण गरिएको छ। यस शर्लारमा समय को शुरुआती देखि।

यो विशेष मेकअप पेन्सिल शार्लगन सदाको लागि हो, तर जान्दछु, तर तिनीहरू के हुन् भन्ने कुरामा देखा पर्दैन, किनभने यदि म निश्चित रूपमा आश्वस्त छु। – यो मेरो पर्समा विस्फोट हुनेछ।

तपाईले सोच्न सक्नुहुन्छ कि ती सबै वर्षहरू लेखिएको छ, केहि इंटरेपिड मेकअप-मायालु आविष्कारक बाहिर निस्किने शैली पत्ता लगाउन को लागी एक तरीकाले तपाइँको श्रृंगारमा अनपेक्षित रूपमा खोजिरहेको थियो झोला


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

किन, ईश्वरहरू, किन!?? कसैले किन राम्रो माउसट्र्याप बनाएको छैन?

ओह, निश्चित छ, मैले वर्क रउन्डरहरू प्रयास गरें – रबर ब्यान्डको साथ तिनीहरूलाई लपेटेर, तिनीहरूलाई मेरो निर्माता ब्यागमा टाँस्नुहोस् कि झोलामा टाँस्नुहोस्। अनिवार्य रूपमा, तथापि, लाइनरहरू र क्रेयनको ती साना बिट्स सबै भित्र र जताततै समाप्त हुन्छ।

मैले उनको एउटा भिडियो देखें जुन पिक्सिओवाबाट सामले शिबान भ्याली शार्लनर (बैजनी) राख्दछ, जुन मसँग छ, र यो अझै राम्रो छ। जुन प्रतिभा हो। तर उनले पनि भनिन् कि विधिलाई अपमानजनक छैन, किनकि ती हार्सहरूले अझै पकाउँछन्।

गोलीबारी गर्दै म यहाँ मेरो पेन्सिल शर्लरमा मेरो डेस्कमा टाँसिरहेको छु, केही मिनेटमा सानो पेन्सिल शाविंगहरू तल झर्दै आएका छन्।

कसरी? किन?

ओह, र कोही पनि वास्तवमा यी चीजहरू सफा गर्छन्? तिनीहरू जहिले पनि फोहोर हुन्छन्, तर ब्लेडबाट खैरो वा कालो eleeliner बिट्स सफा गर्ने प्रयास गर्दा पनि, भन्नुहोस्, एक गुलाबी लिप लाइनर देखा पर्यो, म अझै सबै कुरामा लाइनरको अँध्यारो बिट्स प्रयोग गर्दछु।

मेकअप पेन्सिल शार्पर्मको दु: ख एक कारण हो म यी दिनहरू “ट्विस्ट-अप जीवन” को बारे मा यी दिनहरू हो … मलाई थाहा छ म किन प्यानल स्टिएल शायंल यदूता मन पराउँछु? हो, किनकि मैले कहिल्यै एक धारदार संग टिपलाई तिखार्नु पर्दैन!


मलाई थाहा हुनु आवश्यक छ कि यदि कसैले सबै मेकअप पेन्सिल शार्पेनहरूको आमा फेला पारेको छ भने, किनकि यदि तपाईंसँग छ भने कृपया हामीलाई सबै ठोस गर्नुहोस् र हामीलाई थाहा दिनुहोस्।

तपाईंको मैत्रीपूर्ण छिमेकी सौन्दर्य लत,


थोरै तर जीवन परिवर्तन गर्ने मेकअप विचार (सस्तो: यसले तपाईंको शार्पनरसँग बनाउनुपर्दछ)

मैले मेरो मेकअप पेन्सिल शार्पनरले दिएको दु: खको बारेमा कुरा गरें। , किनकि मैले भर्खरै पत्ता लगाए कि कसरी यो बाहिर निस्किनु भयो कि कसरी यसलाई उत्तम बनाउँदछ – पुस्तक अवधारणा यहाँ – यसलाई सफा गर्नुहोस्!

मसँग दुई भागमा ठेस लागेको छ। सर्वप्रथम, मैले मेरो बिल्झीइको लागि सदाको लागि खारें, साथै यूआरए गोल्फ हाउस, कुनै-फ्रिलस सेपोररा शर्लाग्राको लागि छाँटकाँट गर्नेहरू शीर्षमा देखाए। यो शेभरिंगहरू समात्न एक निर्मित घेरा छैन, यद्यपि यसले मलाई हरेक प्रयोग पछि रद्दीटोकरीमा सवान टस गर्न बाध्य पार्छ।


ती संलग्नकहरू जे भए पनि एकदमै राम्रो रूपमा जोडिएको जस्तो लाग्दैन, साथै तिनीहरू खुला छन् कति फरक पर्दैन कसरी रबर ब्यान्डहरू म उनीहरूको वरिपरि लपेट्छु।

दोस्रो, साथै यो अंश कुञ्जी हो, म हरेक प्रयोग पछि ब्लेडहरू सफा गर्दछु। यसलाई सहज पार्न, म वरपरसम्म लौर्य वाइपहरू चारै तिर राख्छु साथै उनीहरूको एकलाई मात्र मा राख्छु, तथापि मेकअप मेप्राफ वा कपास प्याड, वा केवल सुक्खा आफ्नै काम पनि।

यो गर्न यो सुनिश्चित गर्दछ कि कुनै प्रकारको त्रुटिपूर्ण मेकअप बिट्स छैन, साथै पलकहरुका साथै पलकहरुका साथै ओठ पेन्सिलहरु को रूप मा रंग को कुनै हस्तान्तरण।


गम्भीरतापूर्वक, किन यो पहिले मलाई यस्तो कहिल्यै भएको थिएन?! ओह, मेरो गोश …

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय अपील दुर्व्यसन,


5 tips to keep Your Blowout Fresh as well as Fly for Days

now if only I might always get up with hair like this, ha!
I splurged on a blowout.

They aren’t something I do often, however when I do get one, I always feel like a million bucks, since when my hair looks good, I feel good!


This one’s by Robyn, a hair stylist as well as colorist at Elise Armeen Salon, which is found right here in Novato.

If you’re local, go see her (check out her work on Instagram)! She’s super fast, truly simple to talk to, as well as based on my hairdo, her blowouts are bomb.

If you’re ever in northern Marin County, stop by Elise Armeen on grant St. for an legendary blowout by Robyn.
Robyn working her magic…
While I was there, we got to chatting about what you can do to keep your blowout fresh as well as fly for days, since you understand what? If you’re gonna throw down a quite cent to get your hair did, you may also eke out every last bit of that style. Am I right?


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

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Here’s what Robyn suggested to keep your blowout looking its best:

1. Hands off

First things first: Don’t mess with the final do. keep your fingers out of your hair, abstain from aggressive brushing, as well as if you do have to brush, carefully utilize a wide-tooth comb or a paddle brush.

You want to minimize any type of disturbance to your blowout, so your hair can retain as much of its shape as well as volume as possible.

2. keep your distance

This one’s for my women with flyaways (otherwise understood as “my people”). If you have cowlicks or pieces of hair that jut upward at strange angles, instead of utilizing a wax or a hair pomade (products which can rob you of valuable volume) to smooth them down, opt for a versatile hairspray, a spray wax or a spray oil.

Use quick bursts of the product used from a distance — seriously, as far as you can hold your arm out! The farther the better. That way, you can prevent over-applying the product as well as weighing down your hair.

The obligatory before shot…
And here’s the after!
Do a few quick spritzes, as well as if you requirement to, utilize your fingers to carefully smooth wayward flyaways, as well as then let the product totally dry. At that point, asses whether you requirement more (Robyn prefers to utilize as bit product as possible when she does blowouts since she like hair with great deals of movement). Repeat the process up until you’re happy. नि?

On my hair, Robyn utilized a mix of two products: First, she did a few quick mists of vibrant attractive Hair increased Elixir, then complied with that up with Moroccan Oil luminous Hairspray.

3. Pump up the volume

If you’re going to keep your blowout for a number of days, Robyn suggests asking your stylist to maximize the volume, since as days go by, the volume will decrease, as well as if you begin off on day one with a flatter style, by the next day, your hair will look even flatter.

Basically, you want some space for your hair to deflate.

The products Robyn utilized for the look
To dial up the volume, Robyn started by shampooing as well as conditioning my hair. then she scrunched a volume-enhancing mousse (Moroccan Oil Volumizing Mousse) into my roots, as well as sprayed a “memory” styling spray that retains the shape of blow-dried curls as well as aligned sections (Vibrant attractive Hair Memory). She likewise used a smoothing serum (Moroccan Oil Blow-Dry Concentrate) on my wet hair from the mid-shaft to the ends.

Fancy satisfying you here!
For added volume around my bangs, Robyn blew out a few sections of hair, rolled the sections into huge curls, as well as fastened them into location with metal hair duck expense clips.

She then enabled those sections to cool, which sets the shape of the strands as well as boosts the volume even more.

Note to self: utilize this method again.

4. sleep on silk

To keep your blowout smooth as you slumber, invest in a silk pillowcase to prevent flyaways as well as frizz.

If you sleep on your back, Robyn suggests parting the hair on the back of your head down the middle, as well as then resting it on your shoulders while you sleep. as well as if you’re a side sleeper, then rest your hair on the shoulder opposite the one you’re laying on.

5. get down with duck clips

Another choice for keeping your blowout smooth (and retaining that fantastic volume) while you sleep: stack your hair on top of your head, as well as secure it into a loose topknot with metal duck expense clips.

The clips are less likely to bend your hair while you sleep. नि?


Now you’re on your method to your freshest amd flyest blowout yet!

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय सौन्दर्य दुर्व्यसनी,


Summer Glam on the Go! Coral Lips as well as Peachy Bronzed Lids

Today’s summery glam on the go!
The other day, when I was using this makeup, I ran into my neighbor, as well as she asked if I was going anywhere special, to which I replied, perhaps a bit as well enthusiastically, “I’M going to sports BASEMENT!”

You understand the bar for your entertainment is set reeeeeeeally low when you gown up like you’re going to elegant brunch on vacation, however in truth you’re going to a sporting products store to look for weights…


Oh, the pandemic stories we’ll have to tell! नि?

A summery color palette
This summery look has a few of my preferred warm-weather shades — coral as well as bronze! — as well as looks fancy, however it’s extremely simple to do. It likewise feels light as well as weightless, which are must-haves when the temperature’s rising.

This look has three distinguishing features — long, lifted, rich lashes; warm, peachy bronze lids; as well as luminous skin.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

Streamlined as well as summery makeup

1. primer on the outer lashes
To make your lashes look longer as well as more dramatique, coat your outer lashes with a lengthening lash primer before packing them up with mascara. This produces a rich lash impact without the time as well as effort of falsies.

2. Bronzer is your friend for glam-on-the-go eyes
Bronzed eyes are a summertime staple, as well as while you might always browse your makeup collection for that perfect shade, why not save yourself a bit time as well as swish your preferred bronzer on your lids instead?

Here, I layered a warm golden tan bronzer atop a satiny peach cream shadow…

3. define your lash line with brown as well as black eyeliner
I’ve stated it before, as well as I’ll state it again: gradients are your friend.

This brown-into-black eyeliner gradient on the upper lash line is subtle, however I believe that’s the beauty of it.

Start by lining your upper as well as lower waterlines with a matte brown pencil. Then, draw a thin line on your upper lash line, as well as smudge the outer edge of that ever so slightly.

Add depth to the gradient by etching a extremely thin line of black liquid liner along the top lash line.

Added bonus: the black liner likewise produces the illusion of a thicker lash base!

Flexible deal with oil

You most likely already understand I’m a fan of personalizing foundation — mixing in a few drops of concealer for added coverage, or adding a few drops of liquid highlighter for a luminous effect. Well, here’s one more one to try: blend a decrease or two of deal with oil into your foundation to dial down the opacity of your base. This technique is handy for applying base to sections of the deal with where you want more of your natural skin to peek through, as well as it’s what I did right here for my forehead as well as the outer edges.

Fastest updo

If your hair is crazy from quarantine, as well as you’re tired of rockin’ your fun bun, gather it into a high pony, as well as secure it into little sections with small hair ties (I like these. three bucks at Ulta!). You can keep the hair ties bare, like I did right here (I believe the shiny impact appears like jewelry), however if you want to boost the sophistication factor, cover up the ties by wrapping a little piece of hair around each one as well as protecting it with a bobby pin.

See the radiate from the hair ties?
यस दृश्यमा प्रयोग गरिएको मेकअप


I listed whatever on my visage below, so please feel free to ask about any type of of these products in the comments. नि?


Honest beauty eyebrow Pencil in brown (brows) — ashy gray undertones (NICE) as well as lighter than I expected

Honest beauty feline Eye set extreme length Mascara + Lash primer (lashes) as well as liquid eyeliner (upper lash line) — mascara is much better for length (volume, not so much); liquid liner is excellent

MAC Coffee (liner) — an old-school LOVE

Wander beauty increased garden — from Wander’s cream shadow line, which is basically like Tom Ford however less $


Stila Convertible color double Lip & Cheek cream in Gerbera — dewy finish


Honest beauty liquid Lipstick in happiness — NO feline BUTT LIPS


Estee Lauder Hydra Prep immediate repair Concealer 24HR in medium Deep — moisturizing, fabulous for fine lines

Neutrogena Hydro boost in Honey — one of my fave drugstore foundations

Kevyn Aucoin Supernatural in medium EC06 — mixes well into foundation

Honest beauty organic Facial Oil — likewise mixes well into foundation

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय सौन्दर्य दुर्व्यसनी,
