Archives April 2023

5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately

Love, love, LOVE!
1. The Victoria Beckham X Estée Lauder Eye Palette

I love this palette so hard!

So hawd.


Like, when I close my eyes, I can see it and feel myself clutching it in my palm. I want to sleep with it under my pillow so I can dream about it…

I talked about it a little last week. It’s the Victoria Beckham X Estée Lauder Eye Palette, and it’s $95 (!). but oh! — the blending is off the chain.

The beautiful jewel-tone colors are perfect for fall. All I really need to do with it is rim my lash and water lines with black eyeliner, put a layer of any one of the colors on my lids, buff it out, apply mascara, and my eyes are done.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

Love it, love, love it, love it!

Don’t love the $95 price, though…

Channeling posh Spice…
2. Celestial Seasonings Sugar Cookie Sleigh ride Tea

OK, confession — I may or may not have bought this box of tea in August.


Which is so far from anything having to do with sugar cookie or sleigh rides, but I saw it at Target on the shelf and couldn’t resist.

I’ve been sort of parsing out the bags very slowly, but now that we’re getting closer to the appropriate time and we can start talking about Christmas stuff, I’ve been going through it like crazy.

Oh, my gosh, it’s so good. It really does taste like a sugar cookie in a cup, and it satisfies any sort of sweet tooth urges that I have. Whenever I want a piece of candy or whatever, I have a cup of this instead.

3. Black Mirror season 3

Black Mirror! I binge-watched the new season last weekend, and I’m about to binge-watch it again.

It’s such a good show! OK, it’s sci-fi, but please don’t let that turn you off. It’s sci-fi like The Twilight Zone.

In one of the episodes, in a not-so-distant future, people are super obsessed with their social media rankings. It basically takes over their life, and they wear these contacts so they can instantly connect with other people, be they friends, family members or strangers. They can instantly rate every interaction from one to five stars.

It’s freaky.

One of the other episodes, San Junipero, is my favorite one. I’m probably gonna watch it a third time this week. It’s about… I don’t want to say too much because I don’t want to ruin it for you, but there’s this idea of living forever in specific eras through technology, and I’ll just leave that there.

4. Belinda Carlisle’s heaven Is a place on Earth

OK, so this is leftover from watching the San Junipero episode of Black Mirror. I watched this video for the first time in probably 15 years, and you know what…? It’s friggin’ weird! There’s a bunch of people dressed up in the same outfit, and they have these glowing globes… and they’re doing this weird choreography.

The video is weird, but the song is genius. It’s stuck in my head right now.

5. The girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins

Audiobooks usually take me forever and a day to finish, but I flew through this one. I couldn’t put it down, so to speak. I listened to it every chance I got.

I know it’s a movie right now, and I wanted to finish the book before seeing the movie.

It’s a tense, well-written murder mystery. You gotta figure out whodunnit.

The narrator is someone who you’re not too sure you can trust. She’s a woman whose life isn’t on the right track because… not on the right track? Trains? Haha.

Anyway, she’s divorced, recently lost her job, and she’s super depressed about it. She also has a drinking problem. and she thinks she may have witnessed a murder, but she’s unsure because her memory can be spotty. You’re not sure if you can trust her as a narrator. Such a great story.

Freak out!


केहि चीजहरू छन् जुन तपाईंले हालसालै माया गर्नुभएको छ?

तपाईंको मैत्रीपूर्ण छिमेकी सौन्दर्य लत,


5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately

Love, love, LOVE!
1. The Victoria Beckham X Estée Lauder Eye Palette

I love this palette so hard!

So hawd.


Like, when I close my eyes, I can see it and feel myself clutching it in my palm. I want to sleep with it under my pillow so I can dream about it…

I talked about it a little last week. It’s the Victoria Beckham X Estée Lauder Eye Palette, and it’s $95 (!). but oh! — the blending is off the chain.

The beautiful jewel-tone colors are perfect for fall. All I really need to do with it is rim my lash and water lines with black eyeliner, put a layer of any one of the colors on my lids, buff it out, apply mascara, and my eyes are done.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

Love it, love, love it, love it!

Don’t love the $95 price, though…

Channeling posh Spice…
2. Celestial Seasonings Sugar Cookie Sleigh ride Tea

OK, confession — I may or may not have bought this box of tea in August.


Which is so far from anything having to do with sugar cookie or sleigh rides, but I saw it at Target on the shelf and couldn’t resist.

I’ve been sort of parsing out the bags very slowly, but now that we’re getting closer to the appropriate time and we can start talking about Christmas stuff, I’ve been going through it like crazy.

Oh, my gosh, it’s so good. It really does taste like a sugar cookie in a cup, and it satisfies any sort of sweet tooth urges that I have. Whenever I want a piece of candy or whatever, I have a cup of this instead.

3. Black Mirror season 3

Black Mirror! I binge-watched the new season last weekend, and I’m about to binge-watch it again.

It’s such a good show! OK, it’s sci-fi, but please don’t let that turn you off. It’s sci-fi like The Twilight Zone.

In one of the episodes, in a not-so-distant future, people are super obsessed with their social media rankings. It basically takes over their life, and they wear these contacts so they can instantly connect with other people, be they friends, family members or strangers. They can instantly rate every interaction from one to five stars.

It’s freaky.

One of the other episodes, San Junipero, is my favorite one. I’m probably gonna watch it a third time this week. It’s about… I don’t want to say too much because I don’t want to ruin it for you, but there’s this idea of living forever in specific eras through technology, and I’ll just leave that there.

4. Belinda Carlisle’s heaven Is a place on Earth

OK, so this is leftover from watching the San Junipero episode of Black Mirror. I watched this video for the first time in probably 15 years, and you know what…? It’s friggin’ weird! There’s a bunch of people dressed up in the same outfit, and they have these glowing globes… and they’re doing this weird choreography.

The video is weird, but the song is genius. It’s stuck in my head right now.

5. The girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins

Audiobooks usually take me forever and a day to finish, but I flew through this one. I couldn’t put it down, so to speak. I listened to it every chance I got.

I know it’s a movie right now, and I wanted to finish the book before seeing the movie.

It’s a tense, well-written murder mystery. You gotta figure out whodunnit.

The narrator is someone who you’re not too sure you can trust. She’s a woman whose life isn’t on the right track because… not on the right track? Trains? Haha.

Anyway, she’s divorced, recently lost her job, and she’s super depressed about it. She also has a drinking problem. and she thinks she may have witnessed a murder, but she’s unsure because her memory can be spotty. You’re not sure if you can trust her as a narrator. Such a great story.

Freak out!


केहि चीजहरू छन् जुन तपाईंले हालसालै माया गर्नुभएको छ?

तपाईंको मैत्रीपूर्ण छिमेकी सौन्दर्य लत,


सफा र नयाँ मेरो लागि: म्याक क्रामी डीड डीड क्रेभेशेन लिप्शन

स्क्रम डी ‘नग्न ($ 1))
सफा र नयाँ मलाई नयाँ

मेरो असंभव नायक शृंखला विपरीत, जुन स्थायी संग्रह उत्पादनहरू सुविधाहरू छन् जुन मैले लामो समय पाएको छु र लामो समय पाएको छु, सफा र मेरो रेखण्डले म तिनीहरूलाई भेट्टाएँ! – र अब मलाई लाग्छ कि तिनीहरू सफा छन् र मेरो लागि नयाँ।

मेकअप दिशानिर्देशहरू भ break ्ग गर्न आग्रह गरिएको छ, तर मँ अझै मेकअप कानून-पालन गर्ने वर्गका लागि पागल प्रेम प्राप्त गर्दछु, जस्तो कि बोल्ड धुम्रपान आँखा र न्यूड ओठको साथ, जुन म दोषी छु,

केहि मेकअप देखिने zombies जस्तै हो, तिमीलाई थाहा छ? (किनकि यो जहिले पनि zombies मा फिर्ता आउँछ …) तर म यो समय यो समय यो निष्क्रिय गर्दछु। मूल रूपमा, तिनीहरू लामो समय सम्म शैली बाहिर बस्दैनन्।


त्यसो भए जब म सँधै मेरो साथी मेकअप नियम-बिग्रनहरूलाई माया गर्छु, विशेष गरी जब तपाईं त्यो धुम्रपान आँखामा राख्नुहुन्छ (workin हरिश, अदूरल्ड हरियो धुलो आँखाहरू, म अझै पनी पुग्छु मेरो क्लासिकहरू छन्।

फिक्का म्यूटेड पेचि बेसी क्राइमे D’Nod पूर्ण रूपमा बुझ्दछ। यसले तपाइँलाई तपाइँको कलिंगीमा पट्टी गर्न चाहान्छ र अफिसमा अफिसरको वरिपरि चल्छ।

ठीक छ, हुनसक्छ, तर यसले सपाट-बाहिर चट्टानलाई गर्दछ। यो पूर्ण कभरेज, चिल्लो, चिसो, र यसको न्यानो पेचि टनहरूले मलाई हेरिरहन्छन् जस्तो म वास्तवमा एक स्वस्थ 98.6 ° f को तापमान चलिरहेको छु। तुलना गरेर, म यो खडा गर्न सक्दिन जब फिक्का बिच लिपिजहरूले मलाई देखिन्दछ कि म केवल एमजेको थ्रिलर भिडियोमा एक अतिरिक्त जमिनबाट बाहिर क्रत्ता गर्दछु।


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

नरक होईन! त्यो SUOO Crème D’नग्न संग भइरहेको छैन।

त्यहाँ धुम्रपान आँखा छैन यो मनपर्दैन, यो कोइला ग्रे र कालो, वा एक चम्किलो, बोल्ड, बोल्ड निलो र चिरबानी मन पर्छ। Crème d’Node यसलाई पूर्ण रूपमा जोडी हुनेछ।

यो म्याकको स्थायी संग्रहमा बस्दछ, त्यसैले यो तपाईंको नजिकको काउन्टरमा पर्खिरहेको छ, मिठो, तपाईंको धुवाँ आँखाको साथ मीठो संगीतमा। एक म्याक काउन्टर द्वारा स्विंग यसलाई एक नजिकको हेराई गर्न, वा यसलाई अनलाइन जाँच गर्नुहोस्।


तपाईंको मैत्री छिमेकी आकर्षण लॉकेट,


पी। एस हम्परम खुशी भयो।

मौसम को पहिलो टमाटर!

मेरो टमाटर प्लान्ट्स अन्ततः … टमाटर-ized!

मौसमको धेरै पहिलो टोच भेट्नुहोस्। मैले यी तीन टायलर, आर्टेमिस साथै कार्नगीको रूपमा राखेको छु, साथै म अझै छनौट गर्दैछु कि ब्रसेटेटा वा टस्कन रोटी सलादको रूपमा।


संघर्ष वास्तविक, होमआई हो। यो वास्तवमै छ।


बगैचा ताजा टमाटर, बेब – यदि तपाईं पहिले त्यहाँ जानुभएको छैन भने, तपाईं त्यो ASAP मा जान आवश्यक छ। तिनीहरू स्टोर-खरीद गरिएको भन्दा धेरै टास्टर छन्। म विश्वास गर्दछु कि यो दाखको बोटमा पूर्ण रूपले रिपिका हुन्छ, त्यसैले त्यहाँ कुनै यातायात समय छैन। जब तपाईंको आँखा तपाईंको टाउकोमा पछाडि फर्कन्छ भने अचम्म नमान्नुहोस्।

अब म केहि राम्रो रोटी लिन आवश्यक छ …

धेरै भोका!

Dior Diorskin nude Tan tie dye edition blush harmony in 002 Coral Sunset will assist Cheeks as well as Sunsets Make gorgeous music together

$57 Dior Diorskin nude Tan tie dye edition blush harmony in 002 Coral Sunset, one of two new blush harmony blushes in the Dior summertime 2015 tie dye Collection
Do you requirement to autumn in like with a $57 blush?

If you’re like me, most likely not. however just in situation you do, as well as you’re trying to find a new blush with which to have a summertime like affair, Dior 002 Coral Sunset is a heartbreaker. It’s all that as well as a bag of Trader Joe’s Cheddar Puffs.


What is Dior Diorskin nude Tan tie dye edition blush harmony in 002 Coral Sunset?

Like an actual tropical sunset, Coral Sunset has several shades. It’s a warm powder blush with four different colors in the exact same pan (orange, coral, increased as well as golden beige) that are created to be mixed together as well as used to cheeks. It’s one of two restricted edition $57 tie dye edition blush Harmonies released with the Dior tie dye summertime 2015 Collection as well as includes a blush pouch as well as a kabuki clean for application.

It adds a natural-looking orangey coral warmth to cheeks as well as skin, as well as the surface is crucial to the “natural-looking” part. It looks shimmery in the pan, however on the skin reads a lot more like a matte-on-the-verge-of-a-sheen. If you look closely, though, you can see small flecks of glitter…but they’re small. No requirement to concern about any type of shine bomb situations.

How do you utilize it?

Just take the kabuki clean that includes the blush, swirl it in the pan, as well as then tap off the excess. apply what stays to the apples of your cheeks.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

There you go.

You can likewise lightly dust on parts of the deal with where the sun naturally falls for added warmth, like across the forehead as well as down the nose.

You don’t have to utilize the included kabuki brush, of course, as well as I believe this works quite well, however I like to utilize a fluffy large blush clean instead. since this blush is rather pigmented, I discover that it’s much easier to blend as well as feather out the edges with a wider, fluffy deal with brush.

Is it worth the price?

So…this is crazy costly for a blush. It’s $57! however if you can get over that hump (and it’s a huge hump), you’ll discover that it’s an absolutely gorgeous blush.

It’s so pigmented that I only have to utilize one layer, as well as that single layer lasts six or seven hours between touchups. I’m betting that a pan of this might potentially last years, even with everyday use, since you barely have to use.

Dior Diorskin nude Tan tie dye edition blush harmony in 002 Coral Sunset ($57)
I likewise truly like exactly how it rests on the skin. It’s extremely finely milled, so the grains of powder don’t draw in attention, as well as the application is perfection. A quick sweep of my large blush brush, a bit of blending action at the edges, as well as I’m appropriately blushed in less than a minute, literally.

In trying to believe of similar high-end blushes, the closest I can come up with is Chanel Malice. The two aren’t identical, as Dior’s has a lot more of a rosy tone, which I believe makes it every-so-slightly a lot more lovely on bronzed skin with reddish undertones since the increased shades play off the red tones that generally include a tan. I likewise believe that the addition of that warm rosy shade is why this blush is something other than your basic problem coral.


Yes, it’s cray expensive, however it’s absolutely on point. suggested for gals/guys who online for high-end makeup as well as want a warm-toned blush that goes fantastic with a tan. likewise suggested for mature skin.

Dior Diorskin nude Tan tie dye edition blush harmony swatched on my NC42 skin

Wearing Dior Diorskin nude Tan tie dye edition blush harmony in 002 Coral Sunset on my cheeks
Dior Diorskin nude Tan tie dye edition blush harmony in 002 Coral Sunset ($57)
PRICE: $57, one of two new blush harmony blushes in the Dior summertime 2015 tie dye Collection
AVAILABILITY: restricted edition, as well as offered now on the internet as well as at Dior counters
MAKEUP as well as appeal blog RATING: B+/A- (a stunning blush, however it’s extremely expensive)

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय अपील दुर्व्यसन,


Saturday Surfing, February 3rd, 2018

Hiya, friend! have you had breakfast yet? Some Saturdays I’m all about making a huge breakfast with eggs, pancakes, bacon — the whole set as well as caboodle — however in some cases I’m like “Naaah…” LOL!

Sometimes I requirement the rest much more than the breakfast, ya know? So I’m just gonna chill on the couch with my cup of coffee, this episode of The fantastic British baking show Masterclass (Paul Hollywood is making baguettes!) as well as this tasty RX chocolate Sea Salt protein Bar.


Perhaps a grapefruit will be peeled as well as eaten… possibly not. हामी विचार गर्ने छौँ।

My buddy Alis introduced me to these bars, as well as they’re SO good. She’s a hectic hairdresser as well as works long days, so she’s always searching for quick healthy snacks that she can eat at the salon.

I believe she provided me one of these bars while my roots were processing, haha!


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

Anyway, this tastes like a brownie (and who doesn’t want brownies for breakfast?!), as well as they’re made with an amazingly easy listing of ingredients. this has dates, egg whites, almonds, cashews, chocolate, cocoa, “natural flavors” (eh, ya know, they want to keep their trick recipe) as well as sea salt.

The chocolate Sea Salt one is my preferred flavor (Connor likes them too).

What have you been having for breakfast lately? Do you have a routine? Cereal? Oatmeal? A cheesy omelet?

अर्को समाचार मा …

This man really does quite well! You go, Bob Herzog! (Facebook)

Scientists ?? are having fun with Amazon reviews. They’re leaving evaluations on daily home products as well as charm products like nail polish as well as dental floss, as well as explaining exactly how they utilize the products in actual scientific experiments.
Like, remove nail polish is utilized to apply pieces of brain to glass slides (no way!) as well as likewise is available in useful during types collection. (Apparently, so does dental floss, in situation you were wondering.)

Makeup artist Linda Cantello, a.k.a. THE creator OF THE SMOKY EYE, breaks down the history of the look as well as exactly how it developed in the ’90s with Tom Ford during his Gucci days.
According to Linda, if it takes you longer than two minutes to do, you’re doing it wrong. She suggests mapping out the shape with a black pencil, as well as then building it out with a liquid eyeshadow.

Cat ladies, this is completely a thing —> wedding event pics ??? with your cat.

You wear your wedding event dress, your feline hangs out with you (hopefully he or she is NOT as well thinking about clawing at your gown!), as well as a professional photographer captures the moment for prosperity.

Sadly, I satisfied Tabs after I got married, however if he had been around, I would’ve done this in a heartbeat! Heck, El Hub most likely would’ve made him his finest man.

I mean, there’s NO method my entire makeup collection might in shape into this $14 acrylic organizer from Amazon, however I’m still fascinated by it. It gets four-and-a-half stars with practically 2,000 reviews, so it’s gotta be somewhat good, yeah?

How did NASA’s very first woman astronauts in the late-1970s deal with things like menstruation as well as collecting urine samples in zero gravity when it had never been done before? concerning restroom hygiene during spaceflight, Smithsonian area shuttle curator Valerie Neal states that, “They tried producing some kind of form-fitted plastic gadgets that you might tuck in close that would serve as a funnel, connected to a hose as well as plastic bag, however that was as well messy.” two women in the program were mothers, as well as they brought up the concept of adult-sized disposable diapers, which weren’t easily offered at the time.
That’s NASA — as well as mom! — ingenuity for ya.

Oh, as well as if you requirement me today, I’ll be right here trying to eliminate the remnants of this chocolate Sea Salt bar from my molars. They’re tasty however crazy sticky!


Have a fantastic weekend.

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय आकर्षण अडिग,


Hack a Trader Joe’s Southwest Salad, and turn It into the Easiest, Yummiest Taco Salad ever

Introducing the new Karen Especial Taco Ensalada! — now with much more homemade!

Ish. Homemade-ish.


Who doesn’t like the taste of a good homemade dish? I love homemade, but I don’t necessarily always love to make it.

Sorry! It’s true though… I got a kid, I’m 42, and I’m tired.

Well, even before I had the kid I was tired, but one thing I do like to do and always have is take something pre-made, especially something from Trader Joe’s, and put my own homemade, fine-tuning spin on it. I like making pre-made meals taste the way I want them to, and it’s kinda fun to make something your own.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

I got the idea for this DELISH salad from an Instagram post by vlogger Stephanie Nicole. She posted a taco salad, and the picture made me weak in the knees. I wanted that salad immediately, but I didn’t wanna do a bunch of chopping…

So it was time to hack that ish!

It all starts with a Trader Joe’s Southwest Salad. then I make my own dressing (I also got the recipe from Stephanie Nicole), add some extra flair, mix it all up, and devour.

I’ve had it for lunch twice this week. I would say that it serves two…but, you know, I can happily eat all of it by myself.

If this sounds intriguingly delicious to you, here’s what you do!

First, open the Trader Joe’s Southwest Salad. There’s a whole bunch of tasty treats in it, like diced peppers, cheese and whatnot… I typically toss the sliced onion, though, because I’m not a fan of raw onions in my salad.

I typically also ditch the dressing that comes with it, because it’s not my fave, and I like to make my own.

Then, plop the salad into a big bowl.

Next, drain and rinse some organic kidney beans, and add as numerous as you want.

Chop some cherry tomatoes, and throw ’em in.

Now add some chopped avocado, and I typically use a half, then give the other half to Connor because she’s always down for some avocado.

Then, add some corn and sliced black olives…

Next, add a big handful of Trader Joe’s fancy Shredded Mexican blend Cheese, or whatever other kind of shredded cheese you want (or have on hand).

This is a good time to stop and take a picture for the ‘gram, ’cause it’s soooo pretty.

Now, for this next part, it helps to keep an open mind. If you like the dressing that comes with the pre-made salad, go ahead and add it to your bowl, but if you wanna try something new, mix equal parts mayonnaise and ketchup…

Stay with me here. I know that can sound gross if you haven’t had a ketchup-mayo dressing before, but it’s actually really good. It’s tangy and sweet like Thousand Island.

Next, take that dressing, pour it into your salad, and mix it up. now crumble some tortilla chips, and place them on top.

Now, serve!!!


It’s quick and pretty darned delicious.

तपाईंको मैत्री छिमेकी आकर्षण लॉकेट,


कन्सोर्क्लायरवेयर.com परिचय गर्दै!

जे होस् पहिलो, कफी …
हज!! आज ठूलो दिन हो! ट्रिक गिलहरी अय्यूब म बोल्दै छु, अन्तिम खुला छ।

यदि तपाईंलाई मेकअप, किटिकहरू र मजस्तै जीवन्त ढाँचाहरू मनपर्दछ भने, वरिपरि हेर्नुहोस्।



मैले मेरो हृदयका साथै यस परियोजनाको भावना राख्दछु, साथै म आशा गर्दछु कि तपाईंलाई यो मनपर्दछ। पालनापूर्वक हामीसँग (अमेरिकी = mebs ट्याबहरू साथै मूल कन्सोर क्लेयर) इन्स्टाग्राम @ एस्कटनोर्क्लेयररमा, साथै #MSCOCCONNNOCCCALCICLIVE को साथ पहिचान गर्न।

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय सौन्दर्य दुर्व्यसनी,


बगटाइजका साथै बगटाई pract-à-पाउडर ट्रिपा अदृश्य सुक्खा लच्छह शैम्पू: एक अधिक उत्कृष्ट सुख्खा शैम्म्प

मेरो जरामा यस नयाँ सुख्खा शैम्पूको आधा पाउन्डमा स्प्रे गरिएको छैन।
मानिस, यो सामान राम्रो गन्ध आउँछ! यो सबै पाउडररीका साथै मुस्कान हो … र शरारती, अद्भुत चमेलीको एक संकेतको साथ।

के तपाईं व्यक्तिगत रूपमा समस्यामा पर्न खोज्नु भएको जस्तो गन्ध गन्ध लिन सक्नुहुन्छ? यो ठीक कसरी यो सुख्खा शैम्पू मलाई गन्ध आउँछ।


त्यहाँ साँच्चिकै दुई संस्करणहरू छन्, ती दुबै बगटानाका साथै बगटानाका साथै ब्रेन-नजिकैको नजरको उन्मूलन (मेरो लागि एकजनाको साथ, जे भए पनि म शोज गर्दैछु।

म विश्वास गर्दछु कि म मात्र फोन गर्छु “नयाँ बगल सुक्खा शैम्पिओस।” तिनीहरू अब धेरै ब्ल्जिश गुलाबी प्याकेजमा प्रस्ताव छन् $ 2 for को लागि, जुन तपाईंलाई 1.1-ओज प्राप्त गर्दछ। बोतल

ती मध्ये एक, ट्र जीएस अदृश्य, सामान्य-देखि-तेल कपालको लागि, साथै अन्य एकको लागि हो, ट्रिट्सले सुख्खा, बिग्रिएको वा भौगोरिन कपालको लागि बढी ओसिलो संस्करण हो।


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

तिनीहरूलाई “अदृश्य” भनिन्छ कि वास्तवमा यसको कपालमा हेर्नुहोस्, तपाईंको कपालमा हेर्नुभयो, यदि तपाईंको कपाल अन्धकार छ भने पनि।

निर्देशनहरू तपाईंको कपालबाट 10-12 इन्चबाट स्प्रे गर्नका साथै तपाईंको जरामा ध्यान केन्द्रित गर्न साथै तपाईंको जरामा ध्यान केन्द्रित गर्न, जुन सुख्खा शैम्पूको लागि सामान्य छ। म उत्पादन गर्न सक्दिन कि जबसम्म म बाँचेको एक हास्यास्पद रकमको उपयोग गर्दछु, साथै मँ मेरो कपालको साथ पाउडर सफा गरे पछि पनि म यसलाई देख्न सक्दिन, जुन तपाईं एक चरण हो ‘ यससँग तुलना गर्न मानिन्छ।

म यो महसुस गर्न सक्छु, यद्यपि, जब म मेरो कपाललाई छुन्छु, साथै यसलाई अलि पाउडर महसुस हुन्छ। यसले मलाई साँच्चै रिसाउँदैन, यद्यपि यो सचेत हुनुको लागि केहि हो।

अहिले म Roctin ‘दुई-दिनको’ जयजयकारको साथ ‘म दिनचर्याको मन पराउँछु (म दिनचर्या एकलाई प्राथमिकता दिन्छु), साथै मेरो कपाल एकदम राम्रो महसुस हुन्छ।

मसाआनको प्रयोग गर्दा मसाको उपयोग गर्दा मसाको प्रयोग गर्दा ठूलो वा स्वच्छता जस्तो लाग्दैन, मेरो जरा जस्तो लाग्छ कसैले पनि एक औद्योगिक सामिना भ्यान्युना भ्यान्युदण्ड लगे।


तर यो राम्रो छ। मलाई गन्ध मनपर्यो, साथै म पनि त्यस्तै छु कि स्प्रे मेरो कपाल कठोर बनाउँदैन, जुन मोईको लागि महत्त्वपूर्ण छ। म पनि विश्वास गर्दछु कि यो सुख्खा शैम्पूको कुरा गर्दा तपाईको गन्धहरू स्विच गर्न सक्षम हुन राम्रो छ, ताकि यो केहि राम्रो छ कि छैन। मेरो लागि यो त्यस्तै समान समान गन्धबाट थाकेको छ।

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय सौन्दर्य दुर्व्यसनी,
